
Our graduates are routinely identified as having exceptional technical maturity 和 ethical underst和ing. 这使他们能够继续在一些惊人的领域做得很好. 看看网上博彩澳门银河的毕业生都在做些什么.


西雅图最知名的地标之一是太空针塔.  许多电影和电视节目,如 西雅图夜未眠 和 弗雷泽 展示著名的西北太平洋地标. 加里·柯蒂斯也没有, 1959年毕业, know that after graduating from 沃拉沃拉大学’s 工程学院 that this familiar l和mark would be one he would have on his list of projects.

“我从没想过我会这样做,”柯蒂斯笑着说. "What is cool about my job is that I have no idea what tomorrow will bring.” Curtis specifically worked on the Space Needle foundation design 和 top house design. He 和 the other four members of the team worked on designing 和 detailing the entire structure: legs, 核心和支撑.

Curtis has designed countless domes, schools, churches, apartments 和 office buildings.  Another notable project: He 和 a partner designed 和 built an aluminum structure that holds up the famous “Roller Coaster Bridge” in Long Beach, 加州.  

 “基本上, I imagine structures 和 figure out how to make them stay there in adverse conditions,柯蒂斯说。. He has also had the opportunity to be a forensic engineering consultant when structures have collapsed. 从别人的错误中吸取教训教会了他要保持警惕.

Curtis是Gossamer Space Frames的创始人和负责人, 设计三维结构框架的公司.  Space frames are very lightweight, yet the structure can carry substantial weight. 因为他在家工作, Curtis commutes via email 和 video conference with his Gossamer Space Frames partners in 加州ornia.  

Curtis 和 his team have ongoing solar projects in Nevada, Spain, Florida, Arizona, 和 加州ornia. Some of these projects required them to build solar troughs, which are thermal energy collectors. 在Gossamer Space Frames开始做这个项目之前, 制造食槽在经济上没有竞争力.

“我真的很喜欢问题. 我对问题感到兴奋,并试图解决它们. 用今天的工程工具, structures can be three-dimensional puzzles 和 you can push 和 pull them to see how they behave,柯蒂斯说。. 成为一名工程师, “你必须非常努力地工作,并取得成果, 不仅仅是聪明,柯蒂斯说。.  “Underst和 engineering fundamentals 和 be able to explain them in everyday terms.”

 “I have had amazing opportunities in my life 和 was able to take advantage of every one of them,柯蒂斯说。.

Curtis has been brought on board as an advisor for the 2017 renovation of the Space Needle. 在这里阅读有关这些变化和他的观点.

Jennifer Sousa - 2019

“你好, my name is Jennifer Sousa 和 I recently graduated from WWU with a Mechanical 工程 BS degree. 我目前在尼康精密公司工作. (NPI)作为现场服务工程师, providing onsite customer service 和 support at NPI’s customer facilities by executing equipment installations, 升级, 维修, 并对复杂的光刻工具进行预防性维护. (Photolithography tools are responsible for one of the processes of semiconductor manufacturing). 我每天都要解释原理图, 机械图, 方框图, part lists 和 other technical materials 和 use tools such as oscilloscopes, digital voltmeters 和 other electronic diagnostic equipment to troubleshoot photolithography tools."

Gurkarn Gill - 2018

“在我为微软工作的最后18个月里, 我开始为多个项目起草草稿, 其中之一是Surface Hub 2. 然后我进入了模特行业, where I assisted many engineers with simple to complex representative models. I currently set up studies for measuring anatomical features 和 provide data through a plethora of CAD tools. 我目前的职称是支持机械工程师, 和 this wouldn't have been possible without 沃拉沃拉大学 和 its awesome professors."

克里斯蒂安·韦尔奇- 2018

"I attended Walla Walla because I always knew I wanted to study 工程. 在收音机和电子产品的实验中长大, 我对无线电通讯的迷恋, propagation 和 antenna design naturally prepared me for studying 电 engineering. 然而, it didn’t take me long to recognize that a career as an 电 engineer wasn’t what I was looking for. 我想做一些“打破常规”的事情.'

在我的教授的帮助下, my first steps 'outside the box' found me pursuing WWU’s Global Humanitarian 工程 Emphasis. I served overseas as a student missionary; I participated 和 led Engineers Without Borders projects in India; 和 I learned to underst和 和 appreciate the diversity of the world 和 my own local community. 经历这一切, I learned that there is far more to 工程 than designing advanced 电 test instruments or pioneering the next generation of aircraft autopilot. 工程 is a problem-solving mindset that matters 和 applies far beyond the cubicle. 

因为来自WWU工程教授和同学的支持, 我现在是美国海军的甲板值班官.S. 海岸警卫队. 虽然我很少解积分或设计电路, I frequently encounter marine navigation problems 和 even technical ship system drawings that leverage my engineering background. 无论是计算最近的接近点, 设定和漂移, 以及航位推算, 或者理解为什么压力随着管道长度的增加而降低, or systematically working to identify the best course of action in a vessel crossing situation, my professors at WWU instilled a set of skills 和 work ethic that transcend engineering. I am thankful for their mentorship 和 encouragement to seek out opportunities for both personal 和 professional growth."

Todd Schoepflin - 1997

Todd Schoepflin is a principal engineer at Amazon 和 served as one of the system architects for 亚马逊一个 (亚马逊的一项技术可以用手掌进行非接触式身份识别服务). Todd帮助指导团队完成具有挑战性的产品设计权衡, 包括散热和外形因素. Security of credit card 和 biometric data was a fundamental pillar for the product because customer trust is perhaps Amazon's most precious asset. Todd researched 和 proposed a hardware architecture that could support the necessary security certifications for the product. 在原型阶段, Todd worked with researchers to identify the right camera pipeline 和 compression that could deliver the best quality images for use by the computer vision algorithms.  整个团队花费了大量精力制作原型, 收集数据, 和 fine-tuning the user experience to minimize friction 和 device errors. 最后, Todd was only one of scores of engineers across many engineering disciplines (mechanical, 电, 光学, 可靠性, 合规, 软件, computer vision) that worked together to deliver a unique end-to-end experience.