"See One, Do One, Teach One"

Are you looking for a job that is fun and rewarding?

A job that allows you to meet people, improve your communication skills, and have the joy of watching struggling students come to a "eureka" moment?

Then you should consider becoming a peer tutor!


Here is what some of our current tutors have to say about why they love tutoring:

  • "Tutoring refreshes the fundamentals of learning. The basics of algebra, 微积分, and statistics are easy to forget, but working in the SDCF has kept the fundamentals in the front of my mind."

  • "Tutoring is a wonderful resume builder for graduate studies and increases my probability of getting funding offers."

  • "Working as a tutor has helped boost my experience and confidence."

  • "I've gotten to meet so many people with important stories to tell, and they've in turn taught me so much."

  • "Tutoring at the SDC gives student workers an advantage in their quest for jobs, as employers value people who can correctly and efficiently teach content, 实践, or skills to someone else."


The Role of a 同伴导师

The primary role of the tutor is to offer assistance with academic skills, 主题, and courses by helping the tutee "learn how to learn" on his or her own. You are a facilitator, a coach, and you are empowering students to help themselves. 导师 do not give answers, but help the tutees learn to find answers for themselves. 导师, 当然, do answer some questions directly, but in doing so they model the appropriate thinking and language behavior for the particular subject. You are a resource for other students, someone who can assist tutees with developing problem solving and decision making skills, and finding alternative resources. You also assist students who seek help with improving their self-confidence, which is a key factor in improving academic performance.


Think you have what it takes to be a peer tutor? Let us know you're interested!

应用 to be a 同伴导师  >